Grade 8 Virtual Open House
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St. Theresa of Lisieux Catholic High School
Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do with love. – Sainte Thérèse de Lisieux
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If you are having difficulties opening your lock, here is a video that can help you out. Good Luck!
Our Catholic School Council will be holding another Gently Used Uniform Sale on Thursday, September 30th from 3pm-5:30pm. The sale will happen in West Village 5 (accessible through the student parking lot). All proceeds go towards our Special Education Department. Please adhere to all York Public Health protocols.
Homework Helper is a free online service available to all YCDSB high school students who require assistance in a number of areas including numeracy and literacy. There is a Homework Helper for French as well. For registration information, read the Homework Helper flyer.
Learn more about STL’s Model UN by watching the promo video.
Parents/Guardians of students learning remotely will be given the opportunity to pick up semester one textbooks on Thursday, September 9th. Please read the attached letter for instructions. Thank you.
Message to Parents/Guardians of Remote Learning Students