Category: General
York Region Transit Information
Please read the important information regarding York Region Transit.
Students’ Entrances and Exits for Social Distancing
Students are asked to enter and exit the school building using the following guidelines:
STL Second Floor Classes – Entrances and Exits
Course Selection Change Policy
Grade 11 & 12: Changes are considered based on:
- A change of stream/level required for a post-secondary program
- A change of Pathway (ie. Nursing vs. English Teacher)
- Grade 12 ONLY – requires a spare
Grade 9 & 10:
- Stream/level changes will be reviewed ... Continue reading "Course Selection Change Policy"
DGN Kilters and School Uniforms
Students returning to school on September 8th, 2020 are reminded that they must be in proper uniform. Please read the important message regarding the purchase of school uniforms.
Important Information Regarding the Start of the School Year
Today, Monday August 24th, marks the return to work for our clerical and administrative staff; however, please make a note of the following:
Entry to the school will be restricted in order to establish a safe environment for our staff and students.
In order to have your concerns addressed you must call 905-787-1407 and a school secretary
... Continue reading "Important Information Regarding the Start of the School Year"