Today’s learner is inherently different from that of even twenty years ago. The 21st century learner has access to powerful digital tools at their disposal all the time. Technology has played a huge part in shaping the way they learn and process information. This consistent access to an overabundance of information has resulted in a new type of challenge. Knowledge seekers today are often confronted with “information overload,” and need to develop critical thinking and literacy skills to be able to sort and organize facts. YCDSB Library Learning Commons’ programs support 21st Century strategies to build knowledge in an information age.
A skilled Teacher-Librarian supports learners who think and process information in a non-traditional, non-linear way, have a high need for visual representations to understand key concepts, and can accommodate the need for immediate feedback and results using a variety of technological tools and instructional strategies.
The core philosophy of the learning commons recognizes and respects each learner’s differences in their learning processes and seeks to help personalize learning within the greater school community of learners.